Key Features
- Manual operating mode
- Metamorphoze and FADGI-rated capture
- Available in A1 and A2 sizes
- 100-degree V-shaped book cradle
- Offers affordability and ease-of-use
- QiCapture book scanning software integrated
Qidenus Smart Book Scan 4.0 Accessories and options
Let’s start with the book cradle. It is v shape book cradle, what we consider in the industry to be the most versatile option. This is what you use when you want to make sure that all the materials will be scanned, no matter what their size, condition or quality.
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!Using the vshape cradle comes with using a vshape scanning glass. Practically this flattens the book pages you are capturing, so you make sure there are no depths unscanned.
The dimension of this device is not small. It’s quite a big machine, also when it comes to weight. But in all fairness, you need this size to allow the size between the cameras and the book cradle.
Qidenus Smart Book Scan 4.0 features
The scanning glass on this device is moved up and down by the operator. It will not move automatically up. Also, you will have to flip the pages manually, page by page.
Yes, you might think automatic is better, but the manual flipping of pages offers better versatility in the scanning process. You can also combine this with the foot switch, so that the hands of the operator are concentrated on the scanning area.
Qidenus Smart Book Scan 4.0 Technical specs
This device will reach scanning areas close to A1. To be more precise, this meanas 2 times A2. It might seem like a lot, but to scan such a size you need really expensive cameras, which would increase the cost of the device quite a lot.
The scanning speed is really good, considering this is based on cameras with area sensors. With a range of dslr, mirrorless or even industrial cameras out there, your choice will vary in this regard.
To connect the device to the software and operator PC, you will have to use an USB port for each of the two cameras.
Qidenus Smart Book Scan 4.0 Image quality
Now, given that this device is a CMOS based device, area cameras, the resolution will be directly dependent on the scanning area and the distance between the camera and book cradle.
If you want maximum resolution, you will have to use the most expensive scanning camera. Even so, if you use different distances between the camera and cradle, you will get different resolution values.
So I guess 600dpi is claimed, but this depends on the camera you are using, the distance between the camera and the cradle, and last but not least the scanning area.
Qidenus Smart Book Scan 4.0 Software & File formats
Qi drive is the Software suite Zeutschel offers with its book scanners. This means that QI drive will do everything from capturing the image, to transferring it to the computer, and not to mention various image processing options.
In this sense, you can use QI drive as a turn on solution, and with the OCR engine, you can release various file formats, such as JPEG, TIFF, PDF and even XML or CSV files.